Today is World Mental Health Day

Today is World Mental Health Day and here at bSafer we will be participating in a session later this week to help raise our awareness of this issue. We encourage you and your team to set aside some time today or this week to do the same. There are tonnes of resources online about mental health in the workplace, but to give you as a leader an idea as to where to start, we put together some pointers:

  1. Start the conversion - lower the barriers to open discussion by starting first, via a safety meeting or safety moment.

  2. Survey the workforce - test the wellness temperature of your business through a short anonymous mental wellness questionnaire.

  3. Actively work to reduce employee stress - review tasks to ensure manageable workloads, realistic timescales and expectations.

  4. Critically monitor overtime and additional working hours - ensure employees have sufficient down time to maintain mental engagement. Consider welfare events, dinners or team building.

  5. Monitor for signs of stress, burn out and depression - be aware of indicators and act.

  6. Ensure there is understanding, care and support available at the workplace.

Again, this is only a flavour of what to expect, many more resources are available online or at the WHO website: