Report Module
Reporting of accidents or quality issues at the touch of a... screen!
Report direct from site on your smart phone or from the comfort of your own office PC.
Simple, clear and intuitive access to all your company reporting. You define the reporting types via the Admin Module. Include Human, Technical and Organisation tags to allow trend analysis.
No more paper forms or email!
Report from PC, phone or tablet
Lower reporting barriers! bSafer brings simple and intuitive workflows to break down apathy towards reporting.
Make reports with ease using bSafer. Add photos, documents, or other files to supplement your report.
Report anonymously if preferred.
Reports Register
Newly created reports from any location are added to your Company reports register in real-time.
bSafer gives you a clear, current overview of all your reports. Filter, sort, edit, export to PDF. Use the Human, Technical and Organisational tags to analyse trends and set actions to directly improve safety performance.
Have "in-app" discussions with the report author... even if they have reported anonymously.
Module Customization
Set up bSafer to match your existing ways of working.
Use the Admin Module to change default report categories, names and definitions to those used by your business.