sign up to get your free subscription including the EMERGENCY MODULE
Fill in the details below and we will:
Confirm your sign up with an email, normally within 1 day
Establish your bSafer account
Invite you to login to your new bSafer account
Help you to set-up and customise it (only if you want help!)
Easy as that. You´ll then be able to login and use bSafer on your computer as well as on your phone or tablet.
The free subscription is limited to a maximum duration of six months per customer. After six months, we will contact you to see if you would like to subscribe for a reasonable monthly fee. If so, great! If not, we will safely remove your account and permanently delete your data. We may contact you during the period of your six month free subscription, to ask if you would like to try other bSafer modules, for free of course.
Get the Emergency Module for FREE